A recent study shows that most employers and employees are unaware of the hidden fees and expenses buried in their retirement plan. Since 2009, the Federal government has mandated that all plans disclose these “hidden” fees.

With an Open Architecture 401(k) platform, all fees are transparent. In addition, the Plan Sponsor (the business owner) can select from the entire mutual fund marketplace, including many institutional class funds. This compares favorably to pre-determined (aka proprietary) “bundled” fund menus traditionally offered by banks, insurance companies, and mutual fund houses.

In many cases, the Plan Sponsor can reduce a plan’s fees and expenses by selecting the most appropriate plan and investment options. Surprisingly, most Sponsors don’t make an effort to reduce their plan’s administrative costs, which can have a negative impact on retirement income. An Open Architecture platform allows business owners and advisers to select an investment lineup (most with no front-or back-end fees) that is solely in the interests of the Plan and its participants.

And, an Open Architecture platform also allows plan participants who don’t meet minimum investment requirements to take a slice of a single, separately managed account. An investment vehicle previously restricted to high net-worth individuals, or to very large retirement plans and institutions, is now available to these participants.

PlanPerfect’s Open Architecture solution provides:

  • Access to virtually any mutual fund
  • Freedom from any packaged or bundled 401(k) platform
  • Complete autonomy to create a customized, investment menu
  • A self-directed brokerage option

Get Started with PlanPerfect’s Open Architecture 401(k) Platform

For more information on Open Architecture and how it can benefit you, contact us at [email protected], call at 949-223-8397 or submit our website contact form.