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SECURE 2.0 has brought many changes to the retirement space. Among them is student loan matching. This permissible and optional change is of great interest to many employers and plan sponsors, especially those seeking to attract and retain younger workers.
What’s the new rule in a nutshell?
SECURE 2.0 makes it significantly easier for employers to adopt student loan matching programs by treating “qualified student loan payments” as elective deferrals for purposes of employer matching contributions. This means the employer’s contribution that matches “qualified student loan payments” is actually counted as a match (instead of a nonelective contribution) and can be incorporated into a safe harbor match plan. Employers may begin implementing this option for plan years beginning after December 31, 2023.
What are “qualified student loan payments”?
SECURE 2.0 defines “qualified student loan payments” (QSLPs) as those: (1) made by an employee, (2) that repay a qualified education loan, (3) incurred by the employee, (4) used to pay for qualified higher education expenses. Only repayments up to the Section 402(g) limit on deferrals (or the employee’s compensation, if less) minus elective deferrals actually made may be taken into account. To break this down a bit further:
How do employers verify this?
Employers may rely on an employee’s certification that he or she has made a QSLP. Employers must require such certifications at least annually. Practically speaking, employers may choose to require certification more frequently, and may also choose to require documentation reflecting the repayment in order to better administer the matching contribution.
What are some other plan requirements that must be in place?
Matching contributions made for deferrals and QSLPs should be made at the same rate. Employees can receive QSLP matching contributions only if they are otherwise eligible to receive matching contributions on deferrals—and all employees eligible to receive a matching contribution on deferrals should be eligible to receive a matching contribution on QSLPs. Matching contributions on QSLPs must vest in the same manner as matching contributions made on deferrals.
How does this impact testing?
Most importantly, the match on QSLPs can be incorporated into a safe harbor design —meaning that no additional testing would occur. For plans that are not safe harbor plans, the employer contribution on QSLPs is counted as a match for purposes of the ACP test and the plan may perform ADP testing separately for those employees who received matching on QSLPs.
The Treasury will be issuing guidance on QSLP implementation in the future. In the meantime, now is a great time for plan sponsors to consider whether they want to add a QSLP provision. Plan sponsors considering the inclusion of QSLPs should work with their TPA partner to discuss administration and begin to consider how to work through those administrative hurdles—including how to determine the amount of a QSLP match on an ongoing basis.
by Kelsey Mayo, Partner, Poyner Spruill
PlanPerfect, Inc. is a Third Party Administrator (TPA) that works with all types of industries, providing expert retirement plan design, compliance, administration, and record-keeping services. Check out the 2024 Contribution Limits and retirement plans FAQs. For more details, contact PlanPerfect now.